In which I geek out about Star Wars, writing and WOTF with Dungeon Crawlers Radio
Check Out Hobbies Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with DungeonCrawlersRadio on BlogTalkRadio
Check Out Hobbies Podcasts at Blog Talk Radio with DungeonCrawlersRadio on BlogTalkRadio
On anger, power and displacement Today I’d like to talk about anger, power and displacement. For anyone who isn’t familiar with the term displacement, it’s the idea that when a person of lower power or status feels threatened by a person of higher power or status, the threatened one will often displace their anger onto […]
Hi, all! In the next day or so, I will have a mini eARC for volume 31 of Writers of the Future to distribute to anyone who is willing to leave an honest review on launch day (or thereabouts). Here are the deets: The mini eARC (PDF) will only have three or four of the […]
There’s a call in certain corners of the internet for disavowals from people on the Sad Puppies slate. Here’s mine: I disavow racism wherever I find it. Calling someone a half-savage because of race? I disavow it. Denying someone’s ethnicity and heritage because that makes it easier to stereotype them as white oppressors? I disavow […]
ETA: Galaxy’s Edge has re-released TOTALED on their website. A few years ago, my sister was in a serious car accident with her two boys in the car. It was raining, and she hydroplaned on standing water that had pooled in the low spot of a cloverleaf on-ramp. Her Ford Explorer got tangled up in […]
Challenge accepted, Mr. Torgersen! My very first crush was on Astro Boy, shortly followed by Speed Racer, shortly followed by Mr. Spock and Cmdr. Sulu. I should note that I was four when Astro Boy and Speed Racer stole my heart, and five when I discovered Star Trek. By age six, my love of Star […]
ETA: Galaxy’s Edge has re-released TOTALED on their website. Hi, folks, My short story TOTALED first appeared in Mike Resnick’s Galaxy’s Edge #9 in July of 2014. That issue is no longer available online, but you can buy it as an ebook at many online booksellers. TOTALED can be found in The Best of Galaxy’s […]
Here’s what 2015 looks like so far in terms of cons and workshops. February – Superstars Writing Seminar April – Writers of the Future workshop and awards ceremony July – David Farland’s Master Worldbuilding workshop August – Sasquan, my first WorldCon – YAY!! November – Loscon 42
Sometime back in July, I got a phone call from Joni Labaqui letting me know that not only had I won Writers of the Future, I’d won first place for Q2 of V31. Yes, winning WOTF is a major squeegasm, but it’s more complicated than that, too. In addition to doing the Tom Cruise sock […]
If you know me from any of my online hangouts, what I’m about to tell you is old news. I’m a Writers of the Future finalist for the second quarter (Q2) of Volume 31. Yayyy, me! I’m excited, but it’s my third time riding this bus, so I’m well aware that it usually lets […]